Monday 22 August 2011

What the hell am i meant to do?

meant to be thinking atm about 3rd year project not worrying about how crap my life will be after cause of the shit decision ive made doing art. shouldve done history :( can only be a teacher which i really dont want to time to do things i enjoy anymore.cant even look how  want to dead jealous of the people who get to travle all the time and have no cares. wish i was one of you. meant to be thinking about 3rd year not regretting things but cant help it. not happy

i dont even know what to do....looked at old sketchbook and themes seem to be Time,How things are frozen in different points in their existance-mainly decaying, and what moods these give. Last years final exhiition was quiet abstracty. may look at old work, like my 2d-3d piece again from foundation...where do i start?havent a clue what im doing :(
On a brighter side i started drawing again for the first time in 3 years. its worse than i remember but guess im out of practise. Just keep looking at other peoples work and it kills any confidence ive just gained :( hell am i meant to do with my life?feel so lost :'( i want to go here and stay there, be left alone

Monday 20 September 2010

New Project for level 2

Right, i have been rummaging through my old sketchbooks and found my 2d-3d stuff from foundation. In which, i took pics andsketchs of various foliage and bits and bobs like scrap metal, fences etc. Using these things i messed about with texture,colour, negative space and form. Some of the results of i overlayed and turned into something else
Im going to start pushing these  key points as far as i can and see what happens. May start messing with photograms and pryography!Fun stuff :D

Wednesday 25 August 2010

last one finished

this one is aout religious intolerences
Cant believe im finally im going to start a project that i want to do (with possible links in what i did in my foundation course...
watch this space...(cliche)

Sunday 22 August 2010

think i have one left now

This one is about a lack of readily available healthcare

the one bove is about lack of council houses availble for younger people andthe amount of immigrants who have fancy cars in this country

Thursday 19 August 2010


 Two more done. Got the materials for one more.waiting on other 2.Getting there
  This participant just generally hated the world

This one is about the pressure put on women about there appearance 

Monday 16 August 2010

the participant of this one didnt like how there wernt enough jammy dodgers being delivered to his home and how he'd like to land on his feet like a cat as he is fed up of falling over

This one is about how when the soldiers come home from war,the war is over, but there are still citizens of  the country at war who are sufferig
this is about corrupted parliment
how unsigned music isnt taken seriously
how tv programmes are boring and how people should make their own tv programme which will then be voted for and turned into a series
about how there are laws everywhere and how they stop you doing what you want to do

This are the ones ive done since las post, got 4 to do and 1 to finish as soon as ebay hurries up.going to do a write up tomorrow then thats most of the work sick of this project, i really am...

Friday 13 August 2010

next step

for some reason it wouldnt let me type after the images on the revious post so ill make a new one.

Im aiming to do 2 tomorrow and 2 on sunday,i need some materials to do the few im aiming to do on monday so hopefully i can do those then.Any remaining im waiting on other people so unil they get back to me ill start my write up in my sketchbook
. Im aiming to finishing my friday 20th august so i can have a good month to do what i want to do instead of this uni stuff.
 going to have a bit of chillout time now...until next blog...